The office is open for administrative functions Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 4:30pm. Since email is not completely guaranteed to be a secure mean of communication, we encourage you to call our office during business hours if you need to discuss confidential information. We encourage you to limit information provided over email. If you choose to send us personal information, you accept the risk to confidentiality inherent to that process.
In order for the clinicians at Schachner Associates to provide you with the best possible care, we ask that you adhere to limits regarding when and how email may or may not be used to contact our clinicians. We recognize that the use of email, among other social media, has become commonplace. Many clients find our website on the Internet and initially contact us through email. Please be advised that while we take precautions to protect your information, email is not a secure and confidential form of communication. Also, email is NOT considered a primary way to communicate with our office. Emails should not be sent in event of an emergency or for any purpose requesting an immediate or same day response. Schachner Associates does not regularly check email over weekends or holidays. We do not perform therapy or consultation via email or chat. These are not confidential mediums